Diary - Day x - since completed TT.
Dear reader,
How would I express enough the situations that happens around innerdance. Please be aware, during this writting I will not pay attention to comas or punctuation,I will simply write what comes out of my mind exactly a I feel it and as I've seen it.
Today I finally had the peace of mind to lay on bed and play the session from TT, the Day 3 session that works heart Chackra. Oh My Flying Lord, what is this.
I was busy in the computer finishing my Innerdance Online course when I started playing the music on my earbuds because my roomate had just come home from his Jujitsu class, so i hand no other option than playing the playlist on my headphones.
I must say that i like this session a lot. I must say that from all the sessions we've got from our mentors, this one is my favourite.
Yes, and, not even 10 min into the session I coundt concentrate anymlore on what i was doing on the computer and had to go and lay in the bed and start receiving the innerdance session on my own.
It did not last not even 5 seconds since going into bed when I started shaking, incredible shakes, tumultuous shakes,m like big waves the came fast and furious, the took my head all the way up and my back was also half way in the air, and I try to control them but I just simply culdnt.
And I kept shaking, with my eyes closed, and for the first time I could feel my energy coming up on my chest, manifesting on my chest. my hands were under the sheets and I had to get them out and start to facilitate myself.
I took my right hand, with a point piramidal shpe with the fingers and satrted to faciliate myself and my left hand was out of the back of my head pointing away and then I spinned my right hand on top of my chest and could feel my energy flow, for the first time Ive been aware and realized the perception of the energy influx on my body and have felt and manage it with my hand...
Yeah, this, like everuthing in life, takes practice. It takes practice, it takes time, but when you learn to indentify with it and when you learn to recognise it, you become familiar with it and remmeber what they say about us humnas: we like things that are familiar to us, thats why we go back to same situations all over and over, because we are or those situations are familiar to us. So, when you know this then you learn that change is possible and change can be achieve buy making harming familiar things unfamiliar and makeing the things and situations we wanna welcome in our lives more familiar to us.
If you have any dount about this statment, find Marisa Pers, she explains it beautifuly. She is one of the top hipnotherapists of today. A great mind to learn from.
Curous enough, while typing in this blog entry, my fingers move fast, I can type fast, I can feel the keywoboard with an incredible speed I did not recognised before or perhaps I simply jsut didnt know it was there because Ive never typped so fast before out of emotion. It is so beautiful this state of emotion and motion nand bliss, its a blessing, its a state of gratitude for the every word that goes into this post out of inspiration, finegers keeping runnig like butter on this keyboard, its so magic. And I am sure you can feel the emotion.
This is posisbly my biggest testimopnuy about innerdance since I have not given any other testimony before, other than the video we recorded right after fe¡inishing the innedance tecjer trainig. This Diary Blog will become the bitacora of testimonies about this incredible art of Innerdance.
Back to what hapened today.
I must say that I could not finished the session. i simplu culndt because there was a point. i can remeber or tell you right now the exact moment on the playlisty because i did not looked at it, but there was a moment where I had to lower the sound on myh earsbids and take them away from my ears, take the music away becasue tyhat specofifc sonhg thgat came on that moment was so vivid, was so intense, was so profound, was so touching i had to run away from it ebafre I had started screaminhg like a beast.
I've felt like screaming today. iove seen and visualized myself screaming today for all the times Ive never screamt before.
This is the magic of Innerdance, and when it allow us to see, visualize, that is a pricesless moment where magic manifests in us, in our mind, in our present reality.
Ive had many isnights and the sole purpose of this post is to be able to record/store this insights somewhere so anyone interested can see and feel though them and go and get an innerdance session and get their own insights and xvisualiz<ations, because thiose moments of visualization are trulu a gift.
I had seen myself, laying eaxvtly whwee I was, sourrounde by cameras, doing a live session wjhere I can welcome people into an innerdance online transmission for them to pip in, to sneak in, to passively see and hear what an innerdance sessiuon could look like.
Ive seen myself on that same matress, alying on thye floor, white sheets, clean and neat environment, and dressing on a turquoise cotton pants and shirts.
ive seen myself laying tyhere, with those cameras, a great gear that can be pointed into differet diifrectoins all at once, or at least very comfortably and me laying there, facilitaying myslefn into an onloine innerdance session, so others can look in, can see and feel and hear what an innerdance session is like. But some ddep inside me I feel thge fear of exposure. What would people think?(this is the mind talking) But what I saw I saw very clear, and there was no fear in what I saw when I saw it.
Afterwards I saw myslef also facilitating, and I saw myself screaing again, scream,ing for all the times Ive failed to scream before.
I saw muyself facilitating in a beautiful comfortable space where peiple could scream all they wanted. Oh mighty creator of all things, if that could just become possible, if that just could become possible, that you allmighty, thank you for amkiing it possible.
I also saw a beutiful proyect, a proyect involving the community, a proyect whwere we would go out on a public square in front of the sea and orgise a fetsival whre we could play the innerdance music out loud and facilitatre innerdance and all those soulds would be there in synchonicity helaing themselves while helaing others, and the innderdance musoc would reach places, it would expand with the wind to the vecinities, and touch others passing by and there would be police safeguarding the event, so noone from outside could come or disturb what it was happening there. This beautiful proyect already has a name and is a matter of time uintil it come to live.
And then I saw this moment, it came to mind this idea of shring this on a Diary format for the online. And so I left the bed, came sat in front of the computer and started tying into this beautifiul innerdance experince you just read.
Thank you for your time
-and your curiosity to have arrived til then end of this page-
Many blessing be with you.
PD: Have you got any questions? Please share on the comments. Or any impression, idea, comment: they are all welcomed!
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