Innerdance, what is it? "Transformative shamanic session through innerdance playlist and innerdance breathwork to reconnect with your Innerdance Trust

Innerdance aims to help individuals access their inner wisdom and promote self-healing.

What is the Inner dance experience?

"Innerdance is a transformative experience that recalibrates your nervous system and elevates your awareness. This expanded consciousness acts as a powerful highway to profound self-realization. Music, triggering specific brainwave patterns, nurtures a lucid, dream-like state that deepens the understanding of our true selves."

gentle hands in innerolis head
image: @am.artefotografia

Innerdance is a transformative healing modality that combines energy healing, meditation, and shamanic practices. Developed by Pi Villaraza from the Philippines, Innerdance aims to help individuals access their inner wisdom and promote self-healing. Sessions may involve a range of physical, emotional, and energetic sensations.

Innerdance is a therapeutic process that facilitates a deep state of heightened awareness and self-discovery. This practice leverages the power of rhythmic acoustic stimulation to encourage participants to connect with their subconscious minds. Intertwining music and spontaneous movement, Innerdance offers an avenue for emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.

The Scientific Fundamentals Behind Innerdance shamanic music

According to Pi Villaraza, several scientific concepts are foundational to understanding Innerdance. One key aspect involves the concept of "time perception alteration." Through the activation of music and movement, Innerdance effectively alters one's perception of time, aiding profound shifts in consciousness and emotional states.

Neurologically, Innerdance impacts the autonomic nervous system, which controls our fight or flight responses and more. By moving past these primal reactions, participants can achieve states of deep relaxation and heightened awareness almost akin to meditative states. This is crucial in restructuring our neural pathways, promoting psychological and neurological health.

How does Innerdance Work?

Innerdance can be experienced individually or in group settings, with or without the support of a facilitator. The practice of Innerdance has become a very popular space for shifting energies and states of consciousness at subtle or higher levels.

As an attendee, start by lying flat on a mat, arms and legs uncrossed, straight back, (no pillows if possible). Let the music guide your thoughts and feelings. You might experience physical sensations, see images, or deeply relax. Let go of expectations; often, -in my/and many other's experience-, this leads to unlocking vivid memories and profound insights.

The Innerdance Holistic Health Practice is highly advisable with the support and guidance of facilitators availabe around the world, for their guidance and support not only during the session (in-person/or online) but also at any given time at the final stage of any session (when you are in need to share with someone what you've just experienced, at whatever level you did), on that very moment, the human connection with a facilitator, -or with any other of the participants you might have met, during an in-person session-, might come in handy. Therefore the importance of a good facilitator throught out your process of entering and navigating the realms of Innerdance.

The effectiveness and benefits of Innerdance may vary from person to person, and it is not tied to any specific religious or spiritual tradition.

Preparing Yourself for Innerdance

  • Before an Innerdance session, take time to prepare your mind and body by engaging in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. Create a safe and comfortable space where you can fully immerse yourself in the experience. Stay hydrated and nourished to support your energy levels throughout the session.
  • Avoid consuming heavy meals or stimulants before the session, as they may interfere with the energetic flow. Dress in loose, comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted movement and be willing to surrender to the process without resistance.

Please, check the video below to hear the Introduction to Innerdance in audio.

Part 1 - Intruduction to Innerdance

Understanding Innerdance Shamanic Healing

Innerdance Healing is a transformative modality that combines energy healing, meditation, and shamanic practices. It aims to help individuals access their inner wisdom and promote self-healing.

A great deal of understanding innerdance is to understand the role of music in the Innerdance experience: plase, check video below to hear more about it:

Part 1.1 -Music and the Innerdance Experience

Origins of Innerdance

Innerdance was developed by Pi Villaraza from the Philippines, drawing inspiration from various healing traditions and personal experiences. The modality incorporates elements of energy work, meditation, and other practices.

Core Concepts and Principles

The core concepts of Innerdance revolve around the idea that each individual holds the capacity for self-healing and transformation within themselves. Through the modality, participants can explore their inner realms, release energetic blockages, and access deeper aspects of their being.

Benefits of Innerdance by Pi Villaraza

Innerdance offers a variety of benefits, encompassing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. The transformative nature of an Innerdance session can lead to profound shifts in one's well-being and sense of self.

Physical Benefits

  • Release of physical tension and tightness
  • Improved circulation and energy flow
  • Enhanced relaxation and overall body awareness

Emotional Benefits

  • Release of pent-up emotions and traumas
  • Increased emotional resilience and self-awareness
  • Healing of emotional wounds and fostering of emotional balance

Spiritual Benefits

  • Deepened connection to inner wisdom and intuition
  • Expanded spiritual awareness and consciousness
  • Alignment with higher purpose and spiritual growth

Key Practices and Guidelines for Innerdance

Dos and Dont's During an Innerdance Session

When participating in an Innerdance session, it is important to be open to the experience and release any expectations. Avoid forcing any specific outcomes and allow the process to unfold naturally. Do not resist any sensations or emotions that arise, as they may be part of the healing journey.

Preparing Yourself for Innerdance *1

  • Before an Innerdance session, take time to prepare your mind and body by engaging in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. Create a safe and comfortable space where you can fully immerse yourself in the experience. Stay hydrated and nourished to support your energy levels throughout the session.
  • Avoid consuming heavy meals or stimulants before the session, as they may interfere with the energetic flow. Dress in loose, comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted movement and be willing to surrender to the process without resistance.

Integrating Innerdance

After an Innerdance session, take time to reflect on your experience and any insights that may have arisen. Practice self-care and nurture yourself as you integrate the energetic shifts that occurred during the session. Allow yourself to be gentle and patient with the healing process, as it may unfold over time.

In the fascinating journey toward self-discovery and healing, Innerdance emerges as a profound process that allows us to explore expanded states of consciousness through a sound journey that resonates deeply with our inner life force. Originating from the Filipino Babaylan shamanic tradition, this method integrates spontaneous body movements and healing vibrations, facilitating an intuitive remembrance of the true self. During my first Innerdanceon a simple yoga mat, I was immersed in a journey of colors and images that activated a harmonic resonance with the universe, reminding me of the innate healing powers we all possess.

Group sessions of Innerdance, often available on platforms like YouTube, provide a safe space where participants can explore and strip away the layers of our conditioned mental limitations, paving the way for a more harmonious existence with other beings and the planet. This process not only contributes to the collective through energy school frameworks but also enhances healing through the Innerdance energy, proving to be an effective tool for healers and those seeking healing. The capacity of Innerdance to activate and bring awareness to emotions as energy leads us toward a heightened inner awareness of our bodies, inviting us to embrace a more harmonious way of existing, resonating with the deeper core principles and the primary reason for our existence on Earth.

As the Innerdance process begins, it engages the participants in a powerful healing experience that nurtures the intuitive remembrance of the true self and increases the awareness of this energy. The energy and healing powers involved find a variety and complexity that continuously evolve, making everyone feel connected and profoundly transformed. This transformative energy not only heals but also educates, creating a lasting impact that reinforces our capacity to activate positive changes within ourselves and our environments.


Innerdance is more than just a dance; it's a journey into the self that harmonizes the body, mind, and spirit. By tapping into scientific principles like time perception and nervous system regulation, Innerdance offers a unique pathway to personal growth and wellness. Whether seeking emotional healing or simply a deeper connection with the self, Innerdance provides a compelling, transformative experience.

Come, Join us! This is an Open Invitation. You are always welcome to our Innerdance Experience Sessions.

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